



....     ..   .... .... ....


Books on:



Mass Media









Make the Sell. How to Sell Media with Marketing






Shaver M. Make the Sell. How to Sell Media with Marketing. – Chicago: The Copy Communications, Inc., 1995. – 295 p.


Editor's Notes




Editor's notes 



CHICAGO, IL. When this book was first suggested to us, we understood the strength of the concept right away.

In schools across the country, students learn the basics of advertising and marketing. Yet, for many, the real job opportunities lie in a related area for which little real training is currently offered – media sales.

Meanwhile, at newspapers, radio stations, and other local media companies across the country, management has to deal with the results – potentially qualified people who are untrained and unfamiliar with the field. The opportunity

Then we were told about the innovative course that Prof. Mary Alice Shaver was teaching at the University of North Carolina.

Here was a sound, disciplined approach to the basics of media selling within an academic setting.

Better yet, the result was a book that makes as much sense in the tough competitive world of media marketing as it does in the classroom.

It really is the best of both worlds. The challenge

As we worked to turn the course into a text, we developed even more appreciation for the difficulty of this profession.

• It demands skills in marketing.

• It demands skills in media.

• It demands creative skills. '

• It demands salesmanship skills.

But, difficult as the field of media sales may be, developing this book with Prof. Shaver has been a wonderful experience -because we realized how many young men and women this book will help.

The result

We like the fact that media sales is presented as creative challenging and satisfying work for intelligent people.

It is not "something to fall back on," but an excellent career option for many. Media sales is a field with good opportunities for qualified people.

We like the fact that this book combines academic tradition and discipline with real-world reality.

Professor Shaver calls it, "street smarts".

Professor Shaver knows the subject she teaches – as a graduate student, she paid for tuition by selling ad space.

In fact, media runs in the family – her husband Dan is w the Charlotte Observer and her daughter Jeanne is building career in radio sales.

As we see the increasing need for better pre-job educating in all fields of marketing, we are pleased to present this important book.

Bruce Bending





Author's Notes

Editor's Notes



Space & Time

Becoming a "Media Person" in "The Media Age"

1. Target Audience

• Students

• Sales Reps & Sales Managers

• Small Businesses

• Advertising Agencies, Large and Small

2. The Role of the Media Rep

• Selling as a Marketing Partner

• Setting Goals

• Making Connections

• Building Relationships

• The Challenge of Competition



Options and Opportunities

The exciting world of local media

3. Local Media

Summary of each medium:




Direct Mail


Yellow Pages

New Media

Worksheets and Resources

4. The Local Media Mix

How it all works together

Examples of media mixes in different markets

Developing your Local Market Media Profile

Local Media Checklist



Homework and Fieldwork

Local market knowledge – the foundation for success

5. Local Market Research

Getting to know your market

Local Market Profile

Primary and secondary research tools

Research at work

6. Terms You'll Use Every Day

Important words and their meanings, general media terms and media-specific definitions

Research services ABC, Arbitron & more

7. Rates & Contracts

Understanding and explaining Rate Cards and Contracts: Newspaper, broadcast, and more

Figuring discounts

Sample rate problems


Staying Organized

The Calendar – a Planning Tool

Computer software

Record Keeping – what you need

Profitable habits



Getting the Message

How this section is organized

9. Messages – Getting Started

The need for "Creativity"

General considerations

Spec Ads – How to use them Messages – Getting Connected Selling Ideas & Strategies

Big Ideas, Selling Ideas and Propositions

Resources & Partners

Strategy Development: Three Approaches

Messages – Getting it Done

Developing Selling Ideas

Writing basics

Layout and design basics

Radio basics

TV basics

Outdoor, Direct and Yellow Pages

Campaigns and "Integration"



Process and Progress...

A business-building approach – from Hitting the Streets to Closing the Sale

12. Hitting the Street

How account territories and lists are organized

How to "Build Your List"

Checking out the clients

Getting to know your accounts

Identifying the decision-maker

Developing new accounts – The Prospect File

Planning for Cold Calls

Why (and how) clients buy

The client with no agency

Qualifying the client – 10 questions to ask

13. Street Smarts

Learning to look and listen

Developing perseverance and flexibility

Developing your professional persona

Psyching Up! Believing in your product and yourself

14. Preparing the Presentation

Tapping your own sales sense

Things you need to know

Know your market – charts and graphs that sell

Know your medium – placing it in context

Identifying benefits and creating needs

The problem-solving approach

Preparing for objections

Developing rapport – the background advantage

Using spec ads to sell

Developing Rate Plans

Rate Plan Development Work Sheet

Using the integrated approach to sell your medium

A checklist of what to take with you

15. Making the Presentation

The 20 minute drama

Listening to the client

Letting the client help you sell

Asking the right questions

Overcoming objections

Explaining costs and value

Closing the sale

A "no" is not the end – coming back after a turn-down

Setting the agenda for the long-term run

Evaluating your presentation

Making a presentation to an ad agency



Earning and Learning

How to up your salary and your Learning Curve

16. Sales Job Facts

Continuing client service

Keeping up the relationship

Customer satisfaction as priority

Helping your client grow

The importance of the small client business

Building networks and belonging to your community

What you do – the commission system

Selling auxiliary publications and services

A typical day

Professional associations

17. Improving Performance

What advertising clients want from you

Good advice from top sales professionals

18. Resources

Names and Addresses


Books and References




1. Space & Time


“In simple times, advertising people had two concerns: what to say and how to say it.

Now the issue is where, when and how can advertising people reach receptive prospects...

Today's toughest question is how to find your customers at the most strategic time – that’s why media is the new creative frontier".

Keith Reinhard, Chairman DDB/Needham


When you sell media, you sell a product like no other in the world. Your product is space and time.

When you sell media, you sell potential and opportunity. In many industries, your job is done once you make the sale. In the world of media, your job is just beginning.

When you're и Media Person, you're more than a sales person. You become a marketing partner!

Your job is helping your client's business succeed and, of course, building repeat business.

Ami when you sell space and time, you often help develop the message (hat. fills that space and time.

You literally make the product you sell – a product that sells what your client sells.

That's one more reason that media may be one of the most creative sales jobs anywhere. Because you will find yourself in many different businesses – you'll be in the car business, the bar business, the banking business and more.

Two roads to success

In tomorrow's economy, two types will be successful:

Those who know how to make things people want.

Those who know how to sell things.

This book is about how to sell space and time.

It's about how to turn space and time into things that people want. It's about how to turn space and time into things that sell things – advertising messages.

Space and time is a "product" like no other in the world.



As Alvin Toffler notes in Power Shift, the value of information in our society is becoming equal to the value of things. Multi-million dollar movies, the music industry and virtually everything related to computers are part of this growing world of information. So is media – the channels that carry so much of our information – from your local newspaper to the latest cable channel bouncing off a satellite. Today, there are more media channels than ever. In a world where we often read about job cutbacks, the world of media is one that is still growing.

Everywhere you turn, there are new media forms and new media options. And the traditional media formats of newspaper and broadcast are still going strong.

And each one of those media companies, from the daily newspaper to the latest piece of on-line technology, depends on smart hard-working people to help them succeed in the marketplace.

Furthermore, with more media choices than ever, it is more critical than ever that marketers make the right decisions with their media-driven marketing programs – to connect with their markets.

They need someone like you to help make those connections – they need a Media Person.



This is a point we'll be making repeatedly throughout this book – media sales is more than selling.

Today, media sales demands substantial amounts of marketing and creativity as well as selling ability.

But if you have what it takes, becoming a media person can be an excellent career decision.

The Good News

Selling media is a job for people who want to work with people, learn an incredible amount about local business, help other people make money and, just maybe, make a lot of money themselves.

As a former student – now an ad director – told one of my classes: "I give myself a raise every year. And that }s beyond what my company gives me on my salary. I decide what I want to make and then I work to earn the commissions to meet my goals. It's good for my clients, it's good for my employer – and it's very good for me".

It can be very good for you, too. Here's a job that lets you get out of the office and meet people, lets you earn more money if you're willing to put in more work, teaches you new skills all the time and provides a challenge every day.

That's the good news.

The Bad News

The bad news is that it can be tough.

And, if you're with the wrong medium, at the wrong time, in the wrong market – it can be impossible.

But, most times it's not that bad. It's just... tough.

A good Media Person can meet the challenge.

A good Media Person can find the right marketers for their media channel and develop a program that works…"


The full text of the book can be found at bookstores, e-bookstores and libraries.


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See also:

Cable Advertising. New Ways to New Business

Broadcast Advertising and Promotion

Effective Frequency

Books on Advertising

Books on PR

Books on Mass Media

